August 22, 2016
Raspberry Pi WebIOPi

Raspberry Pi WebIOPi IOT Part 2 – Making a flashing LED button

Click here to read Part 1 of this series > In this 2nd tutorial of WebIOPi, we’ll use simple Python scripts and HTML/Javascript to create a […]
August 5, 2016
esp-wroom-02 arduino wifi

ESP-WROOM-02 Setup Guide

In this article, we’re going to continue working with Wifi communication with Arduino. Starting with xbee, we’ve worked with various types of Arduino Wifi modules. Now […]
August 2, 2016
Wearable TechCon 2016

Wearables TechCon 2016: Unveiling the Future of Wearable Technology

In its third year, Wearables TechCon drew together leading experts and innovators in the booming field of wearable technology and IoT to inspire developers and shape […]
July 27, 2016

An Arduino Plant Monitoring & Watering Device

Using Arduino with Parts and Sensors – Plant monitoring & watering device (with micro SD card) In the last project, I used a micro SD card […]
July 26, 2016
Equivalent Circuit of DC Brush Motor Connected to a Power Supply

Motor Current When Applying a Torque Load

Question: When applying a torque load to a DC brush motor by connecting the motor to the driver output side, rotation will become difficult, decreasing rotational […]
July 20, 2016

Power Consumption During Current Regeneration Flow

Power Consumption During Current Regeneration Flow Through the Parasitic Diode of the Output Transistor: Question: In the case regenerative current flows through the parasitic diode of […]
July 14, 2016
Current Flow

Maximum Current Flow to Motor

Question: Under what conditions does the maximum amount of current flow through the motor? Answer: Maximum current flow occurs when there is no load in one […]
July 12, 2016
analog input

Raspberry Pi WebIOPi IOT, Programming Analog Input

In this edition of the WebIOPi series, I’m finally taking on the challenge of reading analog input. I briefly discussed it at the beginning of the […]
July 6, 2016
current regeneration

Differences in PWM Current Regeneration Methods

Question: There seems to be different methods for current regeneration operation with PWM drive in the off-duty period. What are they? Answer: There are two main […]
June 30, 2016

All About Robocon: The Robotic Contest from Japan

Every year, students all over Japan put ideas to work building robots for a competition, with a different challenge each year. The results of those ideas […]
June 28, 2016
PWM drive

Constant Current Operation Based on PWM Drive

Question: How does constant current operation via PWM drive work? Answer: As an example, a small resistor can be inserted at the groundside side of the […]
June 27, 2016
DC brush

Simple DC Brush Motor Control

Question: What’s the easiest way to operate (stop/rotate) DC brush motors?   Answer: Simply inserting a switch between the DC brush motor and power supply will […]